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REST API Request with paging

Use Visma.Net REST APIs to read paged data.

The REST API Request with Paging action allows you to use the Visma.Net REST APIs to retrieve large, paginated datasets. This action simplifies working with endpoints that return multiple pages of data, such as lists of customers, invoices, or accounting records. Pagination is handled automatically, allowing you to focus on processing the data. You can offcourse use it for none-paged requests also.


Name Type Description
Title Optional The title or name of the request.
Connection Required The Visma.Net Connection used to make an authenticated request to Tripletex REST API.
Dynamic connection Optional Use this option of you needs to use a connection from the Create Connection action.
Configuration Required Defines the HTTP request to Visma.Net, including the method, URL, parameters, and return type.
Company Id Optional The Company Id to request data from. Default company can be set in the connection.
Start page Optional The page to begin retrieving data from. Defaults to 1 (if not specified).
Items per page Optional The number of items to retrieve per page. Defaults to 1000 (if not specified).
Max page count Optional The maximum number of pages to fetch. Defaults to 9999 (if not specified).
Description Optional Additional notes or comments about the action or configuration.


The return type is defined when configuring the action. It can be a custom data type set by e.g. the template,or the raw JSON response from the API.

For templated requests returning a single item, the return type is an Entity. E.g. v1\Customer\12345 returns a CustomerDTO entity. For API returning collections, the default return value is HttpResponse<T>. This contains the result as a JSON string and the Status and any errors of the request.

We recommend dumping the raw response into a data store and using data transformation tools to convert it into a usable format. If the API returns a relatively small dataset (10,000–200,000 records), consider using the Get JSON DataReader to flatten the JSON into a tabular format. This allows you to process the data as rows and columns, such as by inserting it directly into a SQL Server table.


To define a request to the Visma.Net REST API, you can start from a template, or define it manually. If you press the New Request button in the Configuration dialog, you can choose from a set of predefined request templates.

Steps for Manual Configuration:

  1. Method: Specify the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.). Use GET for retrieving data.
  2. URI: Define the endpoint URL (e.g., v1/project or v2/generalLedgerBalance). Pass required parameters (e.g., IDs) as query parameters or in the request body.
  3. Headers and Authorization:
    • Authentication is automatically set up from the connection settings.
    • Ensure proper encoding of any additional headers.
  4. Response Type: Use HttpResponse<string> by default for raw JSON responses. For large responses, this minimizes memory usage and improves performance.

Refer to the Visma.Net API documentation for endpoint-specific guidance.

Error handling

If the response from the Visma.Net request is of type HttpResponse<T>, the response object includes an IsSuccess property. If IsSuccess is false, the response object contains an ErrorContent property that relays error messages from the API call or internally thrown exceptions.

For other response types and severe errors, the action will raise an error that could terminate the Flow unless the On Error port is connected or the action is wrapped in a Try-Catch block.

The On Error handler is triggered for each page error, allowing you to handle errors individually and prevent the Flow from automatically raising an error that might terminate the running process.

API Limits

Visma.Net APIs enforce rate limits to ensure fair usage and optimal performance. If you exceed these limits, the API will return a 429 Too Many Requests error. The Action handles this by delaying calls and using retry. If retry limit is reached an error will be returned.