Modifies the rows and columns of a DataTable by applying a sequence of transformations.
This example shows how to transform a DataTable using the DataTableTransformer.
The DataTableTransformer is retuned by calling the UseTransform()
extension method on a DataTable.
DataTable dataTable = ... // load the data table.
// Call the UseTransform() extension method on a DataTable instance to get an instance of DataTableTransformer
.FillMissingValues("Age", FillMethod.Average)
.MergeColumns(["City", "Street"], "Address", separator: ", ")
.ForEachRow(row =>
row["Name"] = row["Name"].ToString().ToUpper();
.AddColumn("AgeInMonths", "int")
.ComputeColumn("AgeInMonths", row =>
var age = (int)row["Age"];
return age * 12;
.RenameColumn("dob", "DateOfBirth")
Source table
| Name | Age | City | Street | Email | dob |
| John | 35 | London | Brick Lane | | 1979-07-12 |
| Jane | NULL | Huston | Patterson Street | | 1992-05-23 |
| Luke | 31 | Los Angeles | Victory Boulevard | | 2003-06-12 |
Target table
| Name | Age | Address | AgeInMonths | DateOfBirth |
| JOHN | 35 | London, Brick Lane | 420 | 1979-07-12 |
| JANE | 33 | Huston, Patterson Street | 396 | 1992-05-23 |
| LUKE | 31 | Los Angeles, Victory Boulevard | 372 | 2003-06-12 |
Name | Description |
AddColumn(string columnName, string dataType) | Adds a new colum to the DataTable. |
CloneColumn(string columnToClone, string nameOfNewColumn) | Clones an existing column, along with the data. |
RemoveColumn(string columnName) | Removes a column from the DataTable. |
SplitColumn(string columnName, string[] splitInto, string separator, bool expand = false, trim = true) | Splits the value of a column into multiple other columns. This operation can only be applied to columns having data type string . Set expand to true to keep the source column in the DataTable. Set trim to false to not trim whitespace from the split values. |
MergeColumns(string[] columns, string toColumn, string separator = " ") | Merges two or more columns into a target column and removes the source columns. |
ConcatColumns(string[] columns, string toColumn, string separator = " ") | Concatenates the values of two or more columns into a target column without removing the source columns. The values are separated by separator . |
RenameColumn(string oldName, string newName) | Renames a column. |
ChangeColumnDataType(string columnName, string newDataType) | Changes the data type of a column to the specified data type. This operation will fail if the the values in the column is not convertible to the new data type. |
SetColumnValue(string columnName, object value) | Assigns a value to all cells in the specified column. |
RemoveRowsWithMissingValues(string columnName) | Removes all rows from the DataTable where the specified column has no value (null). |
FillMissingValues(string columnName, FillMethod fillMethod, object? value = null) | Assigns a value to all cells in the specified columns having no value (null). The specified FillMethod defines the value to be assigned to each empty cell. value is only used for FillMethod.Value . |
ForEachRow(Action |
Performs an action for each row in the DataTable. |
ComputeColumn(string columnName, Func<DataRow, object?> fn) | Invokes a function for each row in the DataTable and assigns the value returned to the specified column. |
API Examples
The following examples shows how to use the different transform APIs. Remember that you only need to call UseTransform()
once, and chain multiple transforms together.
AddColumn(string columnName, string dataType)
dataTable.UseTransform().AddColumn("Address", "string");
SplitColumn(string columnName, string[] splitInto, string separator, bool expand = false, trim = true)
// Create an instance of DataTableTransformer
new DataTableTransformer(dataTable).SplitColumn("Address", ["City", "Street"], separator: ",");
// OR call the UseTransform() extension method
dataTable.UseTransform().SplitColumn("Address", ["City", "Street"], separator: ",");
ConcatColumns(string[] columns, string toColumn, string separator = " ")
dataTable.UseTransform().ConcatColumns(["City", "Street"], "Address", separator: ", ");
ChangeColumnDataType(string columnName, string newDataType)
.ChangeColumnDataType("Weight", typeof(double).FullName)
.ChangeColumnDataType("IsStudent", "bool");
FillMissingValues(string columnName, FillMethod fillMethod, object? value = null)
var transformer = dataTable.UseTransform()
.FillMissingValues("Age", FillMethod.Average)
.FillMissingValues("IsStudent", FillMethod.Value, value: true);
ForEachRow(Action action)
var transformer = dataTable.UseTransform()
.ForEachRow(row => row["IsAdult"] = (int)row["Age"] >= 18);
ComputeColumn(string columnName, Func<DataRow, object?> fn)
.ComputeColumn("IsAdult", row => (int)row["Age"] >= 18);
Data types
The following data types are supported as dataType
Name |
string |
bool |
byte |
short |
int |
float |
double |
decimal |
long |
DateTime |
DateTimeOffset |
DateOnly |
TimeOnly |
TimeSpan |
Guid |
dataTable.UseTransform().AddColumn("Email", "string").AddColumn("Weight", "double");