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Global Parameters

Global Parameters can be used to pass arguments to all Dataflow Items in a Dataflow. Arguments are automatically passed to each item that has parameters with the same name. For example, if you have a Global Parameter named @Param1 and a Dataflow Item with a parameter named @Param1, the Global Parameter value is automatically passed to the Dataflow Item parameter.

If you execute a Dataflow inside another Dataflow, using Global Parameters will let arguments automatically be passed to the child Dataflow.


Suppose you have multiple Dataflow Items doing some work based on a department id. The Dataflow Items might also be executed by different Dataflows, and the Dataflows might event be nested.
In order to easily pass a department id to all items during execution, simply define a parameter named @DepartmentId for all Dataflow Items, AND all Dataflows which executes the Dataflow Items.
When the main Dataflow is executed, the department id is automatically passed to all Dataflow Items.

Define Global Parameters

To define Global Parameters, click "Dataflow Properties" in the Dataflow editor screen and open the editor from the Properties panel.


In the Parameters dialog, add parameters and optionally provide default values.


Passing arguments using Global Parameters

When a Dataflow is executed from a Workbook, you can pass arguments to the Dataflow from the Arguments property of the Dataflow Workbook component.

In the Workbook editor, click to select the Dataflow. Then, in the Properties panel, click to edit the Arguments property. Switch to the Global arguments tab and provide a value for each parameter.
