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Data Service API

Data Service

The Data Service enables developers to save and reload specific data models in a Form Schema. This feature adds extra flexibility and more fine-grained control for loading and saving data because models can be saved and loaded individually and not just with the Load and Save Data actions of the Workbook component.

The Data Service can be accessed from the Form Runtime (link to) and has the following methods:

save(model, params?: object) : Promise<void>

Saves / updates a specific model. You can optionally pass in arguments if the model does not contain sufficient data to perform the update.

Example 1

<Function Name="saveData" Async="true">

Example 2

<Function Name="saveData" Async="true">
          await, {CustomerID: "foo"});

reload(model: model | string, params?: object): Promise<Model>

Reloads a specific model by returning a new model.


The model passed in is not mutated. You can pass in either the model to reload, or the name of the model. If your data model has a filter or a parameterized Load Data query, you need to provide the required parameters.


        <Model Name="CustomerInfo" Source="@Object[FormUsingDataService_Table].DbObjectName" Fields="CustomerID,CustomerName,ProductID" Filter="CustomerID = @CustomerID" />
   <Function Name="refreshData" Async="true">
          this.models.CustomerInfo = await this.dataService.reload(this.models.CustomerInfo, {CustomerID : this.models.CustomerInfo.CustomerID});
          // The CustomerID parameter can also be passed as a string
          // this.models.CustomerInfo = await this.dataService.reload(this.models.CustomerInfo, {"@CustomerID" : this.models.CustomerInfo.CustomerID});