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Web Functions API

You can use the Web Functions API to run Web Functions from a Form.

Example The example below shows how to use the Web Functions API to call a Web Function named with the endpoint name "CalculateResult".

<Function Name="Calculate" Async="true"><![CDATA[
          const result = await this.webFunctions.execute("CalculateResult", {a: 100, b: 200});
          console.log('100 + 200 is ' + result);


The example below shows how to use the Web Functions API to call a Web Function with the endpoint name "CalculateResult" using a query string to pass in a multiplication factor.

<Function Name="Calculate" Async="true"><![CDATA[
          const result = await this.webFunctions.execute("CalculateResult?factor=2", {a: 100, b: 200});
          console.log('(100 + 200) * 2 is ' + result);

API Reference

Asynchronously executes a Web Function in the current Solution and returns the result.

execute(webFunctionEndpointName: string, data: any = null) : Promise<any>


The Web Function Endpoint Name is displayed in the Web Function configuration editor in the Designer.