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Home Page

Customizing the Home Page Layout

The Home Page lists all the available Workbooks that the logged-on user has access to. By default, the Workbooks are listed in the order they are defined in the Solution, with a default icon and default colors. This may, however, not be the way you want to display them to end-users.

To customize the order, icon, grouping, and style of the Workbooks displayed on the Home Page, you need to use the InVision Desktop Designer to configure the Home Page layout.

In the application main menu bar, go to Home Page -> Edit Layout and create a configuration if one does not already exist. The xml configuration will have the following format:

            <WorkbookGroup Heading="Group heading"
            <WorkbookTile WorkbookId="workbook object Id"
                        CssClass="css class string"/>
            <WorkbookTile WorkbookId="workbook object Id"
                        CssClass="css class" />
            . . .

The configuration enables you to define Workbook groups and the order of which the Workbooks are displayed to the end user.

To configure a WorkbookTile, you need to set the WorkbookId attribute. The value of the attribute is the object id of the Workbook that can be found by right-clicking the Workbook in the Solution Explorer and "Copy Id to Clipboard".

Workbook as a Homepage

You can configure a Workbook to be the landing page of InVision instead of the default system homepage. This enables you to create a fully customized and actionable landing page for users instead of just a Workbook launcher portal. pic

WorkbookGroup properities

  • Heading specifies the default heading for the group in the Homepage or the heading of the Group in the Workbook Menu (sidebar)

  • HeadingTextCode specifies the text code used for localization of the heading based on the user language.

  • MenuImage specifies the image displayed as the Group node in the Workbook Menu.

WorkbookTile properties

  • WorkbookId specifies the Id of the Workbook that the tile should represent. Available Workbooks without matching tile Ids will be rendered after the configured tiles using a default style template.

  • Order specifies the order at which the Workbook Tile apprears on the Home Page

  • Image specifies the URL to the tile image. (preferably a .svg). This property is optional.

  • CssClass property specifies one or more CSS classes to apply to the Workbook tile. This property is optional.

  • MenuImage specifies the image for the Workbook when displayed in the Workbook Menu (sidebar). This property is optional.

See Also
