The SqlCommandService provides an API to execute arbitrary sql commands. (Examples further down).
Task<T> ExecuteScalarAsync<T>(string connectionString, string query, params SqlParameter[] sqlParameters)
Executes a query and returns the first column of the first row on the result of the query.
Task<IEnumerable<string>> GetColumnNamesAsync(string connectionString, string dbObjectName)
Gets the name of all of the columns in the database object.
The following example shows how the Context, SqlCommandService and ObjectModel API can be used to create a macro (SelectList) that returns a collection of columns that can be used as the select list of a query.
namespace Local
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using Profitbase.Invision.Scripting.Dynamic;
public class MyMacros : MacroExpansionProvider
public async Task<string> SelectList()
var customerMetadataStorage = this.ObjectModel.ForObject("Customer Metadata").Storage();
var connectionString = await customerMetadataStorage.GetConnectionStringAsync();
var customerMetadataTableName = await customerMetadataStorage.GetDbObjectNameAsync();
var customerCategory = await this.SqlCommandService.ExecuteScalarAsync<int>(connectionString,
$"SELECT CustomerCategory FROM {customerMetadataTableName} WHERE CustomerID = @customerId",
new SqlParameter("@customerId", this.Context.Arguments.GetValue("@CustomerID")));
if(customerCategory == 1)
return string.Join(",", (await this.ObjectModel.ForObject("Customer Sales")
.Storage().GetColumnNamesAsync()).Where(c => c.Contains("Cat1")));
return string.Join(",", (await this.ObjectModel.ForObject("Customer Sales")
.Storage().GetColumnNamesAsync()).Where(c => !c.Contains("Cat1")));