PowerShell Package and Module References
You can add Modules and Packages as references to a script definition, to include code libraries in PS scripts.
When you execute a script, references will be installed if necessary, and be ready for use in the user part of the script.
These are high-level installation of packages from Microsoft’s PSGallery ( Invision implements Install-Module and Import-Module commands for referenced Modules.
These are low-level and use e.g. the default NuGet as a provider for code packages.
You can configure providers in the app config file. InVision implements Install-Package command if necessary for referenced Packages.
References are added from the PS Script Editor in Invision designer.
Source modes has 3 options:
- References list - already referenced Modules and Packages,
- Search PowerShell Module Gallery,
- Search Packages.
Search modes show an edit field for search text. * is added to the end.
When items are returned from the search, images show the state as:
- ‘Arrow down’ for reference in the open solution,
- ‘Green check’ for already referenced in this script.
The right section of the page displays details, version selection, and available commands.
Commands are:
Adds a new reference with the selected/default version.
Updates existing references version.
Delete reference.