How to Use Custom Cell Renderer in Table View"
Link to the video
Under this link you will find a video that shows how to use Custom Cell Renderer in Table View.
Step by step
- Go to the Data Grid tab and choose a column that you want to apply a custom renderer to:
- Click the three dots to open the editor:
- Define the renderer as a JavaScript function:
function(eventArgs, services){
// eventArgs.value - The value of the cell
// eventArgs.rowData - The data row
// eventArgs.prop - The name of the cell. Usually the column name
// eventArgs.rowNum - The visual row index
// eventArgs.element - them cell HTML element (div)
// services.eventDispatcher.raiseCustomEvent({prop: value}) - raises the Custom event on the component
// services.lib.html.sanitizeHtml(eventArgs.value) - removes usafe HTML content from the input string to protect against XSS attacks.
const btn = document.createElement('button'); = '100%'; = '100%';
btn.onclick = () => services.eventDispatcher.raiseCustomEvent({prop: eventArgs.prop, value: eventArgs.value});
// Note!
// If rendering data directly to the DOM, for example setting element.innerText of element.innerHTML,
// always sanitize the input first using the services.lib.html.sanitizeHtml(...) function.
// Also, prefer using element.innerText over element.innerHTML to minimize risks of XSS attacks.
// Example:
// element.innerText = services.lib.html.sanitizeHtml(eventArgs.value);
btn.innerText = eventArgs.value;
return btn;