Table of Contents



The Button component defines a clickable button.


  • Enable
    Enables the button.

  • Disable
    Disables the button.

  • ExecuteExpression
    Evaluates the:

    • EnableIf statement to determine if the button should be enabled or disabled. If True is returned, the button is enabled. If false is returned, it’s disabled.

    • AddCssClass(…), RemoveCssClass(…) and ToggleCssClass(…) calls to enable dynamic styling of the button.


  • TappedEvent
    This event is raised when the button is clicked or tapped.

Enabling and disabling

  • Explicit enabling and disabling
    A Button can be explicitly enabled and disabled by executing the Enable and Disable actions when handling an event. You would typically do this when executing a long-running task, by disabling the button when the task starts end to enable it when the task finishes.

  • Conditional enabling and disabling
    A Button can be enabled or disabled based on the state of a filter or a variable. Conditional enabling and disabling is performed by executing the EnableIf(..) instruction in the ExecuteExpression action of the button.

Example 1

This example shows how to conditionally enable or disable a button based on the selected value of a filter. The EnableIf(..) instruction executes in the ExecuteExpression action of the button when the selected value of the filter is changed.


The Filter(a,b) function returns an object representing the selected filter value, having a Boolean property IsLeaf. If the selected value of the «Department» filter is at the leaf (lowest) level, the button is enabled, otherwise, it is disabled.

Example 2

This example shows how to enable or disable a button based on the level number of the selected value of a filter. The selected value must be at level 2 or higher in the hierarchy.

EnableIf(Filter("Filters", "Department").SelectedValue.Level >= 2);

Dynamic styling

A Button can be dynamically styled by calling the AddCssClass(…), RemoveCssClass(…) and ToggleCssClass(…) functions in an ExecuteExpression action.


This example shows 3 different ways to add, remove, or toggle the styling of a button by calling AddCssClass, RemoveCssClass, or ToggleCssClass.

RemoveCssClass("highlight underline");
ToggleCssClass("highlight", x == 250);
