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How To Stack Components

This topic covers an advanced subject that you normally don't have to think about when developing a UI, but it can be useful in some scenarios if you need to stack components on top of each other (z-index) within the same area of the screen, and conditionally show them.

How to change Z-Index

Set the Z-index on individual components

  1. Change Z-Index for every component separately or disable it:


  1. In this example, buttons have higher Z-Index than the table:


Order components by z-index
  1. With a Page or Section selected, go to the Layout Pane tab in the Properties window on the left,


  1. Go to the Z-Index order and press Edit.
    Here you will find a list of all components on the page or section.


  1. If you have placed multiple components in the same grid area, dragging them up and down the list will change the z-index ordering and determine which component is displayed topmost.