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How To Create Subscreens in Tabs

Under this link you will find a video that shows how to create Subscreens in Tabs. Here you will find Documentation.

Step by step

  1. Go to the Subscreens tab and add one Subscreen pr tab. A subscreen defines the UI in a tab.


  1. Subscreens look very similar to regular Pages.


  1. They have the same grid layout system, and you can add any component to them.


  1. When you have finished setting up Subscreens, go back to the main layout and drag and drop a Tab Control onto the selected page. You will find it under UI elements in Resources:


  1. Add Tabs in Properties box (Edit):


  1. Under the Content there is a dropdown with existing Subscreens:


  1. Next step is to add a Loading action to Subscreens. (Custom Actions in Subscreen Properties box):


  1. Then a Loading event for the page (Events in Page Properties box):
