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We use @Var[…] for reading and writing to variables in the Workbook whose name contains whitespace characters, such as Data Flow and Script components.

The variable is automatically created the first time a value is assigned to it.


*You shouldn't use *@Var** for user-defined variables but standard (Eaze) variables instead. The main purpose of @Var is to read state information about Data Flows, Form Elements, and Scripts, because their names may contain whitespaces, so InVision wraps them in a @Var[…] statement.

Setting a variable

@Var[variable name] = <expression or value>

A variable can only be set during the exectution of an Execute Expression action.


To create or assign a value to the variable «Factor», use the following syntax:

@Var[My Factor] = 12.4;

You can assign values to variables from other sources such as context variables when handling expressions or by calling the Filter(…) function.


This example shows how to store the row that was right clicked when a custom context menu item was clicked in a Worksheet or Report. The statement is run in the Execute Expression action of the Workbook.

@Var[Last Row Clicked] = @Event.Data;

You can also assign values to variables by dot’ing (.) into a context variables.

@Var[Last Row Clicked].ProductID = @Event.Data.ProduktID;

Reading a variable

Reading a variable is done by referencing the variable in an expression.


This example shows how to dereference a variable in the Text property of a Label, so that the Label displays a text such as «The selected product is Spoon"…of course, there is no spoon.

CONCAT("The selected product is",  @Var[Last Row Clicked].ProductName);


This example shows how to open a browser window to display an appendix for a row that was right clicked. The instructions are executed by an Execute Expression action when a CellActionLinkTapped event is raised.

OpenBrowserWindow(CONCAT("", @Event.Data.ProsjektID));

Nullify a variable

To nullify a variable, assign null to the variable.

@Var[Name] = null;

Assign a unique value to a variable

To assign a unique value to a variable, use the NEWID() function.

Var[Name] = NEWID();