Table of Contents

Themes and Styles

Style Sheets

There are two types of Style Sheets:

  • Data Grid Style Sheet
  • Generic style sheet

A grid arranges its children into rows and columns.

Creating a new Theme

  1. Click on the “Themes and Styling” tab.
  2. Click on the “New” button.
  3. Name your style Theme.
  4. Check the “Is Default Theme” check box.
    This tells the system to use this Theme for the styling of the landing page.
  5. Save.

Themes and Styles

Profitbase LOW CODE uses CSS to style and format our solution. We are going to create some CSS classes.

  1. Go to the Style Sheet tab.
  2. Click on the “New” button and add a “Data Grid Style Sheet”.
    • We use this to style components within a worksheet, report or table like column og text color. These classes are surrounded by a “handsontable” class. Make sure you properly close all new classes separately and the handsontable class at the end.
  3. Name it “Common”.
  4. Then add Bold CSS class:
    font-weight: bold; 
  1. Your Configuration should look like this:

Themes and Styles

  1. Click on the “New” button and add a “Generic style sheet”.
    • We use this to style components outside of the grid components like buttons and backgrounds etc.
  2. Name it “CommonNonGrid”.
  3. Then add RedBackground CSS class:
  1. Your Configuration should look like this:

Themes and Styles

  1. Save.
  2. Click on “Republish All”.

Themes and Styles
