Table of Contents

Arithmetic Operators

Operator +

Binary operator + for numeric types sums the operands. Binary operator + also concatenates strings if one of the operands is a string. You can also use the CONCAT function to concatenate strings.


1 + 2 returns 3.

Operator - Binary operator – subtract the second operand from the first.


2 – 1 returns 1. 

Operator *

The multiplication operator computes the product of its operands.


2 * 2 returns 4.

Operator /

The division operator divides its first operand by its second operand.


2 / 2 returns 1.

Operator %

The modulus operator computes the remainder after dividing its first operand by its second operand.


10 % 2 returns 0.

Example 1

This example shows how to calculate Amout for every row in the data grid by multiplying the Price and Qty properties on the row.

@Amount[] = Price * Qty;

Example 2

This example shows how to calculate Amount for a specific row in the data grid, where ProductID = XP-5000.

@Amount[ProductID == "XP-5000"] = @Price[ProductID == "XP-5000"] * @Qty[ProductID == "XP-5000"];