Table of Contents

Comparison Operators

Assignment operator.


Assigns the value on the right hand side to the variable or cell on the left hand side.


X = 10;  
@Amount[ItemID == "A"] = 25.6; 	

Greater than operator.


Checks if the value on the left side is greater than the value on the right side.


20 > 10 returns true.  
10 > 20 returns false.

Greater than or equal.


Checks if the value on the left side is greater than, or equal to the value on the right side.


20 >= 10 returns true.  
10 >= 10 returns true.

Less than operator.


Checks if the value on the left side is less than the value on the right side. Example

20 < 10 returns false. 
10 < 20 returns true.

Less than or equal operator.


Checks if the value on the left side is less than, or equal to the value on the right side.


20 <= 10 returns true.  
10 <= 10 returns true.

Equals operator.


Checks if the value on the left side is equal to the value on the right side.


1 == 1 returns true. 
1 == 2 returns false.

Not equals operator.


Checks if the value on the left side does not equal the value on the right side. Example

1 != 1 returns false. 
1 != 2 returns true.