Table of Contents

Sql Script Service

Use the SqlScriptService to run a SQL Script when a Worksheet or Table is saved.


calling a SqlScriptService method:

// This method is called after the changes have been saved to the database.
// The operationType specifies whether the rows was inserted, updated or deleted.

protected override void OnAfterSave(IEnumerable<CudRecord> rows, TableOperationType operationType)
    base.OnAfterSave(rows, operationType);

    //Executes query after save has been done, returns the amount of rows affected

// This method is called at the end of the commit process.
// The data parameters contains the rows that was deleted, updated or isserted.

protected override void OnEndSave(CudDataPackage data)

    // When method is called returns the first value of the result set.

SqlScriptService methods


Executes a SQL Script, specified by its object id, and returns the number of rows affected by the query.

public int ExecuteNonQueryById(string scriptId, 
Dictionary<string, object> paramValues = null)


Executes a SQL Script, specified by its object name , and returns the number of rows affected by the query.

public int ExecuteNonQueryByName(string scriptName, 
Dictionary<string, object> paramValues = null)


Executes a SQL Script, specified by its object id, and returns the value in the first column in the first row from the result set.


The SQL Script must be configured to return data.

public T ExecuteScalarById<T>(string scriptId, 
Dictionary<string, object> paramValues = null)


Executes a SQL Script, specified by its object name, and returns the value in the first column in the first row from the result set.


The SQL Script must be configured to return data.

public T ExecuteScalarByName<T>(string scriptName, 
Dictionary<string, object> paramValues = null)


Executes a SQL Script, specified by its object id, and returns the data set from the query.


The SQL Script must be configured to return data.

public DataTable LoadById(string scriptId, 
Dictionary<string, object> paramValues = null)


Executes a SQL Script, specified by its object Name, and returns the data set from the query.


The SQL Script must be configured to return data.

public DataTable LoadByName(string scriptName, 
Dictionary<string, object> paramValues = null)