Table of Contents

Worksheet Properties

metaKeys: "Worksheet Properties. Add Row Settings, Hide Grid Lines, Is Row Selector Visible, Is Row Locking Enabled, Is Summary Row Enabled, Allow Sorting, Inline Filtering, Allowed Input Level, Context Menu Options" folderOnly: "false" pageIndex: 13

Add Row Settings

Use this option to specify which filters must be set in order for new rows to be added to the Worksheet.

Hide Grid Lines

Specifies whether to show cell borders in the grid or not.

Is Row Selector Visible

Specifies whether the header / selector is visible or not.

Is Row Locking Enabled

Specifies whether the user can toggle row locking on and off from the context menu.

Is Summary Row Enabled

Specifies whether the summary row for the grid is enabled for end users.

Allow Sorting

Specifies whether to allow users to sort the contents of the grid by clicking the column headers.

Inline Filtering

Specifies which (if any) custom filtering options to provide to end users in the grid.

Allowed Input Level

Use this option to specify the level at which the selected filter values must exist in order to enable editing of the Worksheet.

Context Menu Options

  • Select All

    Selects all rows and columns in the grid.

  • Export to Excel

    Exports the entire contents of the grid to Excel.

  • Copy

    Copies the selected cells to the application clipboard. To copy to the OS clipboard, use Ctrl+C.

  • Paste

    Pastes the contents of the application clipboard into the grid. To paste from the OS clipboard, use Ctrl+V.

  • Insert row

    Inserts a row above the right clicked row.

  • Insert row below

    Inserts a row below the right clicked row.

  • Distribute value

    Distributes a value to the selected cells, using the specified distribution method.

  • Factor multiplication

    Multiplies the selected cells by a factor.

  • Reverse distribute evenly

    Distributes the value of a cell evenly to the factors of its sum formula.

    For example, given the following formula @Total[] = @P01[] + @P02[], if you edit a cell in the Total column and do a reverse distribution, it will distribute the value evenly to P01 and P02.

  • Reverse distribute relatively

    Distributes the value of a cell relatively to the factors of its sum formula.

  • Edit or view comments

    Opens the comments dialog for the cell. This option is only available if comments are enabled for the underlying storage column.

  • View changes

    Opens the dialog that displays the changes made to a cell. This option is only available if Change Tracking is enbled for the underlying storage and storage column.

See Also