Table of Contents

Common functionality

Common functionality

Input Sheets

Save button
Changes made to input sheets are not saved automatically. To save changes, click the “Save” button. The “Save” button will remain disabled until a change has been made.

To undo all unsaved changes, click the “Refresh” button. To undo the last of a series of unsaved changes, click the Ctrl and Z keys simultaneously.

New row
To insert new rows to an input sheet, right-click in the sheet and select one of the available options:

  • Insert row

  • Insert row below

  • Insert a copy of the row

Delete row
To delete a row from an input sheet, right-click the row in question and select:

  • Delete row

Please note, that although the row is no longer visible in the input sheet, the change must be committed using the “Save” button or undone using the “Refresh” button.

Editable fields vs non-editable fields
In input sheets, editable fields are distinguished from non-editable fields by fill color, editable fields have by default white fill color.

Ranked input
In setting tables, a so-called ranked input concept is often used for the dimensional context. Ranked input allows for a high-level selection of dimensional nodes and gives the opportunity to alter the rank or specificity between rows.

A ranked input cell can be set through the ranked input selector by clicking the cell value (cell will display 3 dots if no value is set):
Place image here

The ranked input selector will display the dimensional hierarchy and allows for the selection of a high-level dimensional node. The selection of a high-level node implies that the setting applies to all sub-ordinate nodes. Select the node and click “OK”.

Click “Cancel” to leave the selector without selecting it.

Sort table rows
In a table containing multiple rows, the rank or specificity of individual rows can be altered by moving the row up (decrease specificity) or down (increase specificity) by right-click the row in question and selecting:

  • Move up

  • Move down

The less specific the setting is, the row should be high up in the table. The more specific the setting is, the further down in the table the row should reside.