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Group management


Access to resources, such as Workbooks, Data, and APIs are granted to User Groups. User Groups contain (user or group) accounts from Windows or Microsoft Entra ID.

You can add or import your users.

When you "add" users, you connect to the identity provider that the system is set up to use (for example Windows or Azure Active Directory).

Create User Groups

  1. Go to the "Group management" tab
  2. Click the + to bring up a dialog box
  3. Provide a name for the new group and select the appropriate Category. It is highly recommended to split access groups into categories based on what they control access to.

Best practice:

  • Default: Access to workbooks
  • Data: Access to data
  • Role: Membership to process task roles
  1. Click "Ok"

Add Users to groups

  1. Select a group in the list to view current users assigned
  2. You can add users to the group by clicking the + in the "Users" section
  3. Search for user(s), select them, then click "Add"