Table of Contents



This is the main page for defining and operating driver based models.
A separate document deals with the setup of driver based models, please refer to the "How to's" link below.

  1. New... button - create a new model
    Click this button to create a new model. The new model can be created as an empty model or as a copy of an existing model. Clicking the button will take you to a pop-up dialogue where you can set the specifics of the new model.
  2. Open button - open an end-user view of the model
    This will open the end-user version of the model and can be used for QA and testing purposes. Note that it is possible to open the model using this button even if the model is not published and thus accessible to end-users.
  3. Apply... button - apply changes made to a model
    Click this button when changes have been made to the configuration of the model, such as addition of new measures, changes to measure behavior, and so on. Doing so will apply the changes to the model. This option does also give the opportunity to update the model with historical data.
  4. Process button - process model transactions
    Click this button to re-process (re-produce) the transactions for the model. This will be relevant if changes have been made to the output behavior of the model, such as calculations, mapping to finance accounts, auto-transactions and so on.
  5. Delete... button - delete model data and/or configuration
    Click this button to delete data from the model or the complete model. Clicking this button will take you to a pop-up dialogue where you can specify what to delete.
  6. Check calc. button - check validity of model calculations
    Click this button to test the validity of any calculations in the model. The check function will report any errors found in a pop-up.
  7. Edit... button - set the name, and model properties
    Click this button to set the name and or translated names as well as certain model properties such as access group, availability of the Periods button, and rules for the model's row context (right-click) menu options.

For the various model configuration options, please refer to the How to document below.

For the setup of a model's plan proposal, refer to:

How to`s

Applies to: img Planner 5.4 or later

Applies to: img Planner 5.2 or later

Applies to: img Planner 5.0 or 5.1