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Budget admin

Applies to: img Planner 4.x


This is the page where a new budget period is created. When creating a new budget period, the current input data and transactions will be archived, after which the new budget year is initialized which implies that any existing input data will be deleted.

  1. Check the start and end dates for any historical reference columns used by clicking the "Check and set historic refs." button. This will open a pop-up in which changes to historic reference column's start and end dates can be made. Make any changes necessary, click "Save" and close the "Check and set historic refs." pop-up.
  2. Click the "Start new Budget Period" button. This will open the "Confirm new budget period" pop-up in which the name of the new budget period is set. Input the name and click the "Execute" button.

The progress of the create new budget period process is displayed in the log in the lower part of the page.


Start new budget period - under construction