Table of Contents

Adjust data and periods


In this screen, the basis proposal can be refined by un-grouping or grouping data for any optional dimensions, by selecting or un-selecting individual dimension members (thereby removing them from the proposal) and by selecting or un-selecting plan years that the proposal should affect.

In the "Dimension settings proposal" part of the screen, you can un-group the proposal data on any optional dimensions used. Un-grouping means less level of detail in the proposal as the proposal is then aggregated over the remaining dimensions that have the "Group proposal data" checked.

If specific dimension members should not have a proposal, select that dimension by clicking the "Select individual" link for the dimension in question to reveal the individual dimension members in the "Select individual" part of the screen. Individual members can be selected and un-selected as appropriate.

If the proposal should not cover the whole plan period, the plan years to affect can be selected individually in the "Period settings proposal" part of the screen.

Click the "Apply" button to apply any changes to the basis proposal and thereby refine it.

Note that the basis proposal reloads as you apply your changes in order for you to see what effect the changes you make have on the proposal.