Table of Contents


Applies to: img Planner 4 or later.


This is to define new reports and edit attributes related to reports.

A report is the entity that hold a set of report lines. Reports are used to define typical finance reports such as Profit & Loss, Balance and Cashflow.

Note that from Planner 5.2, this page renders in a pop-up as opposed to a separate page as it did in previous versions.


Right-click mouse to insert a new row for new report.

Column Descriptions

  • Report ID (k)
    ID text string to uniquely identify the report. Mandatory.

  • Report
    Name text string used to display the name; unless translation is defined. Mandatory.

  • EN: Report
    Name translation in English. Optional.

  • NO: Report
    Name translation in Norwegian. Optional.

  • Report Type
    Dropdown list to define what type of report. Mandatory. Listed values are:

    • "Profit Loss" for profit and loss type of report (with year total but not opening and closing balance).
    • "Balance Sheet" for balance type of report (with opening and closing balance).
    • "Other" for other type of reports that will not have any finance logic associated when presenting the report.
  • Selectable
    Set to true (ticked) if the report shall appear in dropdown list in Finance reports as a selectable report.

  • Comments
    Free text string to help document the settings here.

The following columns is for external consumers of these report definitions and not relevant to Profitbase Planner use.

  • Active
    Report can be used by external report tool.

  • Drilldown
    This report is a drilldown report.

  • Report Number
    Sequence number for report.