Table of Contents

View report data

Applies to: img Planner 4 (removed from Planner 5).


This is to inspect report setup. Since the purpose of this report is to inspect and test report setups, this report contains a mix of normal report data and definitions used to control the report such as formula and style.

With reference to the screen:

  1. Top and Left Section
    The left section contains the Department filter and gives the ability to slice data according to an organization hierarchy. The top sections contain mainly filter choices including selection of which report to presented. The upper right "Forecast start" tells which calendar period the forecast start. Since this may be a rolling forecast this period will be updated as the forecast reach next period. "Data last updated" tells when the input was last simulated to generate the full ledger. This process is normally scheduled to run at certain intervals.

  2. Content Section
    The content section shows the reporting lines including sub-totals per period for a selected year. The Forecast dataset is composed of Actual data for periods before the Forecast start and Forecast input data from the Forecast start period (as shown in the upper right in the report).

Filter Descriptions

Filter selections available apart from Department are:

  • Report
    This allows for selecting between different report configurations
  • Dataset
    Select dataset to be presented.
  • Scenario
    This is used related to simulation providing the alternatives: "Baseline", "Best" and "Worst". Scenario is only relevant for Forecast and Budget datasets.
  • Year
    Select what year to look at
  • Time function
    Selecting Month will show the numbers for each month. Selecting Year-to-date will show the sum of this and preceding periods including OB for balance type reports. To see balanced you have to use Year-to-date.
  • Currency
    Choose which currency to the used in the report. Average rate for each period is used for currency conversion.

Column Descriptions

  • ID
    The unique identity for the report line.
  • Name
    The name for the report line.
  • Formula
    Formula used to calculate this row.
  • Style
    Style applied to this row.
  • Time function
    Time function selected and applied to the row.
  • Currency
    Currency selected and applied to the report rows.
  • P01..P12
    Is the 12 period columns showing amounts.