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Manage comments

Applies to: img Planner 5.2 or later.


In this page you are able to add one or more comments to a specific report line in Plan summary. Comments may be added at any hierarchical level with respect to the (mandatory) Departmentment filter and the (optional) Activity and Project filters.

Enter your new comment in the Leave new comment textbox and click Save. The new comment is added to the list of comments added for the specifi report line. When closing the dialogue, the given report line of the Plan overview report is updated with the date of the most recently added comment.

Column Descriptions (Previous comments)

  • Comment
    The comment previously given. Editable.
  • Created
    The date and time when the comment was created. Readonly.
  • Created By
    The user that created the comment. Readonly.
  • Last changed
    The date and time when the comment was updated. If comment was never edited, the field is empty. Readonly.
  • Last changed by
    The user that last edited the comment. If comment was never edited, the field is empty. Readonly.