Table of Contents



This page displays an overview of the different departments and their respective workflow states. The workflow tracks the process progress and will typically contain states such as Not started, In Progress, Finished and so on. The workflow state is recorded per department and module based on the selection made by the user in the module's workflow drop down selector..

  1. Module and workflow state list
    This lists the different modules and an overview of the workflow states indicating the number of departments that currently holds that particular state for that particular module.
  2. Workflow state overview per module
    In order to list the departments, click on an individual state line. The workflow state members area (see 3) will fill with the associated departments.
  3. Workflow state members
    Displays departments for a given workflow state, if a workflow state is selected (see 2).
  4. Workflow state member filter
    Typing a department name of part thereof will filter the list of workflow state members (see 3).