Guide Manager - steps
This is the sub-page within a selected guide in which the guide's various steps are maintained. A guide is a sequence of steps that involves workbooks and operations and typically explains how to perform complex administrative tasks involving workbooks and operations and the different considerations you as the administrator should make.
Click the Back to list button to return to the list of guides.
List of steps
Existing steps are listed in the left-most margin. Click the step to reveal it's content.
Hovering over the step will reveals a ... (3 dot) action menu that when clicked allows you to reposition the step (move up/down) and delete the step completely.
Adding a new step
Click the Add Step button to create a new step. The right-most part of the page reloads empty and allows yo to specify the step details:
Enter the step name and any translations if relevant.
When designing a new step, consider if the execution of the step involves one or more of:
- maintaining workbook content such as a setting, if so select the appropriate workbook.
- executing an operation, if so select the appropriate operation.
- presenting information. A guide step should always present information to assist the user in determining if and how the step should be executed. For this, use the rich text box to enter text and images.