Table of Contents



This is the workbook where you register and classify risks relevant at a department level. You can also add treatment plans to mitigate risk.

Profitbase Risk calculates Level on risk based on likelihood X impacts = risk level. A treatment plan is added to reduce risk levels.

On the left hand of the screen you can filter based on risk status, business units, categories etc.

Press any column in the table to sort by high/low.

By pressing the pin on the right of the screen you will see a graphical representation of your current risk profile and the risk profile you will have after all treatment plans are carried out.

Risk status

Filter for "Status" is employed to tie together multiple levels of the organization. When you are satisfied with the risk you registered, you send it through a submission process to the next level in the organization. Change status of risk by pressing the check-box left to the risk ID and press "Ready For Submission". A risk does not have to have a perfect mitigation plan attached to it before you send it - the key focus here is to share information about the risk to other organizational levels.

Next steps - create a risk and add a treatment plan