Table of Contents

SQL Server connection

When adding a SQL Server action requiering an connection, select an existing connection or create a new one.


Connection type

A connection type (or authentication type) must be selected before entering other properties.

  • SQL Server Authentication - default, sql server user name and password
  • MS Entra Password - Authenticate with a Microsoft Entra identity's username and password
  • Ms Entra Service Principal - Authenticate with a Microsoft Entra service principal, using its client ID and secret
  • User Connection String - user provids his own connection string

Properties for SQL Server and Microsoft Entra Password authentication

Name Type Description
Server name Required The name of the SQL Server. This can be the server name, IP address, or a named instance.
Database name Required Defines the specific database on the SQL Server to which the connection is made.
Username Required The username (or Entra Id/e-mail) used to authenticate the connection.
Password Required The password associated with the User to authenticate the connection.

Properties for Microsoft Entra Service Principal authentication

Name Type Description
Server name Required The name of the SQL Server. This can be the server name, IP address, or a named instance.
Database name Required Defines the specific database on the SQL Server to which the connection is made.
Client Id Required The Client ID of the Azure AD service principal (also known as an app registration).
Client secret Required The client secret (application secret) associated with the service principal in Azure AD.

User Connection String

Name Type Description
Connecion String Required A full connection string that can be used to establish an Sql Server connection.

Note: A Dynamic Connection can replace the default connection described here.