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Filter Service API

The following APIs can be used in any Execute Expression Actions or Form Schema functions.

get(string, string)

Returns the filter state of a filter in the Workbook.

API Definition"groupName", "filterName") : FilterData | null
FilterData definition

export class FilterRefSelections {
    public Items: FilterRefSelection[]
    public Descriptions(separator = ', '): string | null
    public Ids(separator = ', '): string | null

export interface FilterSelection {
    Id: any
    Description: string | null | undefined
    Level: number | null | undefined
    IsLeaf: boolean | null | undefined
    ColumnName?: string | null

interface FilterData {
    fullName: string
    selectedValue?: FilterSelection | null,
    selectedValues?: FilterSelections | null,
    dataSourceId?: string

This example shows how to get the selected department from a filter named "Department" in a Workbook.

const selection ="Filters", "Department");
const departmentId = selection.selectedValue.Id;
const departmentName = selection.selectedValue.Description;
const isLeaf = selection.selectedValue.IsLeaf;