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Flow API

The following APIs can be used in any Execute Expression Actions or Form Schema functions.

execute(string, data)

Executes a short-running Flow in the current Solution and returns data if the Flow is configured to do so.

API Definition string, {
    solutionId?: string,
    environment?: string,
    data: {}
}) : Promise<any>
Property Description
flowName The name of the Flow in the Solution to execute.
solutionId Optional. Specify this property if you want to run a named Flow that belongs to a differnet Solution than the open Workbook.
environment Optional. Specify this option of you want to override the FLOW_ENVIRONMENT Solution Variable.
data Optional. Specifies the arguments to send to the Flow.

This example shows how to run a Flow that returns a value (price) and displays the result in a message box. You can run this code in an Execute Expression Actions or Form Schema functions.

const price = await'Calculate Price', {
    data: {
        qty: 30
});`The calculated price is ${price}`);

download(string, data)

Executes a short-running Flow that returns a file, and downloads the file. Use this API if you have a Flow that returns a file that you want to download in the browser.

API Definition string, {
    solutionId?: string,
    environment?: string,
    data: {}
}) : Promise<void>


The following example shows how run a Flow named Export to Excel creates an Excel file for the selected department, and then download the file to user.

await"Export to Excel", {
    data: {
        departmentId:"Filters", "Department").selectedValue.Id
