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Localization Service

The following APIs can be used in any Execute Expression Actions or Form Schema functions.

localize(string, object)

Takes a text code as input and returns the value in the language currently selected by the user. If the text has interpolation params, you can pass an object with substitution variables to the method, and the interpolated text will be returned.

API Definition string, interpolationParams?: {}) : Promise<string | undefined>
Example 1

Given the following translations defined:

Text code Language Text
TC_ClientAdded en The client was added.
TC_ClientAdded no Klienten ble lagt til.

If the user has selected English (en) in the Options dialog in the app header, a message box with the text "Client was added" is shown.

const message = await'TC_ClientAdded');;

Example 2

Given the following translations defined:

Text code Language Text
TC_UserDeleted en The user {{userName}} was deleted.
TC_UserDeleted no Brukeren {{userName}} ble slettet.

If the user has selected Norwegian (no) in the Options dialog, and the user name of the currently logged in user is luke@rebellion.galaxy, a message box with the text "Brukeren luke@rebellion.galaxy ble slettet" is shown.

const message = await'TC_UserDeleted', {