Table of Contents


Applies to: img Planner 5.4.1 or later.


This page allows you to maintain translation related to reports, report lines amd dimensions.

Select the type from the Type drop down and the lanuage of choice from the Language drop down.

Column Descriptions

  • Type
    The type, either ReportID, ReportLineID or DimensionID. Mandatory. Filled in from the selection made in the type drop down.
  • ItemID
    The item to translate. Mandatory. This is typically a reportid, reportlineid or dimensionid, for example AccountID.
  • Langid*
    The language code. Mandatory. Filled in from the selection made in the language drop down.
  • LangText
    The translated text. Mandatory.

Applies to: img Planner 5.2 or later.


This is the page for defining report line translations.

Select a report in the left margin in order to display and edit the associated report lines.

If you need to create a new report or maintain the properties of an existing one, click the Add.. link in the upper right corner in the left margin. This takes you to Reports

When changes are done and saved, click the Publish button to publish these changes to relevant versioned solutions. Clicking Publish will reveal a pop-up in which versions can be selected.


Column Descriptions

  • Report Line ID
    Readonly on this page, see Report lines for details.
  • Report Line
    Readonly on this page, see Report lines for details.
  • NO: Report Line
    Line name translation in Norwegian. Optional.
  • EN: Report Line
    Line name translation in English. Optional.