Table of Contents



Add / Edit / Remove processes.

Also configure which processes should use the workday calendar.

Applies to: img Planner 5 or later

Work processes that are versioned and created in the Version Manager will show up here once the process is created and it's first version is deployed and can not be deleted as Planner will automatically delete once the process' last version is deleted.

The following attributes can be maintained:

Name (incl translations) The process name for any non-Planner processes. The process name for Planner processes is maintained in the Version Manager workbook

Due date based on workdays Indicates whether the due date for process tasks assigned from this process should be calculated based on a workday calendar or not. The workday calendar is global to the solution and is maintained in the "Currency Exchange rRates and Calendar" workbook.

Assign to - Role only Indicates whether the access groups displayed in the "Assigned to Role" drop down when creating a process task is of the Role category of access groups or not. It is highly recommended to divide access groups into different categories and to use the Role category for access groups related to process tasks.