Table of Contents

All tasks


Excel-type listing of all tasks. Here, you can view or find all tasks, using the filters and/or the text search.

Column Descriptions

  • View task
    The task name is a link that will open the create and edit form

  • Due
    Due date for the task. Red text if the task is overdue.

  • Priority
    Low, Medium or High.

  • Progress
    If the task has a checklist, this will reflect how many of the checklist items are complete. If the task does not have a checklist, it will either show 0/1 if the task is not complete, or 1/1 if it is.

  • Action
    "Close" or "Reopen", marks the task as complete, or re-activates it.

  • Description
    Text description of the task.

  • Go to task
    Link to a workbook or an external site, where the task is to be performed.

  • Assigned to
    The user who has to complete (or completed) the task. This user will have the task on his My Tasks card view.

  • Assigned by
    The user who created the task.

  • Copy
    Opens a popup with the create and edit form, with an identical form and the same checklist, ready to be edited and assigned to another user.