All tasks
Excel-type listing of all tasks. Here, you can view or find all tasks, using the filters and/or the text search.
Column Descriptions
View task
The task name is a link that will open the create and edit formDue
Due date for the task. Red text if the task is overdue.Priority
Low, Medium or High.Progress
If the task has a checklist, this will reflect how many of the checklist items are complete. If the task does not have a checklist, it will either show 0/1 if the task is not complete, or 1/1 if it is.Action
"Close" or "Reopen", marks the task as complete, or re-activates it.Description
Text description of the task.Go to task
Link to a workbook or an external site, where the task is to be performed.Assigned to
The user who has to complete (or completed) the task. This user will have the task on his My Tasks card view.Assigned by
The user who created the task.Copy
Opens a popup with the create and edit form, with an identical form and the same checklist, ready to be edited and assigned to another user.