Table of Contents


About Profitbase Risk

Profitbase Risk is a flexible and reliable automated risk management software program that businesses can trust to identify, manage, and mitigate risk and safeguard their organization, assets, and reputation.

This site contains the user guides needed to accomplish key tasks in Profitbase Risk.

Profitbase Risk provides a web interface organized in Workbooks. These workbooks are grouped as listed below. This is the same grouping that will appear in the menu in every workbook.
Workbook and data are subject to access restrictions depending on the user role. This means that users will only see a relevant subset of the full menu in Workbooks. There are no access restrictions on this help site.

The picture above shows the menu present in all workbooks for navigating in Profitbase Risk. Clicking the "Hamburger" icon in the upper left corner will show the menu.

About Profitbase Risk

Profitbase Risk provides the ability to identify, manage and mitigate risks on a department and group level. It allows you to track risk development over time, and handle risks at all levels of the organization. The main parts of Profitbase Risk are: