Table of Contents

Get entities

Gets a list of entities from a query against a SQL Server database.

An entity is a .NET object with one or more properties, for example

public record Customer(string VATNumber, string Name, string Address);

This actions returns a list of entities with properties as specified by the Entity properties configuration, for example

List<Customer> customers;


A List of custom .NET objects with properties specified by the Entity properties configuration.



Name Type Description
Title Optional The title or name of the command.
Connection Required The SQL Server Connection.
Dynamic connection Optional Use this option of you needs to use a connection from the Create Connection action.
SQL expression and parameters Required The command to execute along with any parameters.
Row variable name Required Name of Row variable.
Row data type Optional Name of the created entity type.
Entity name Optional Name of Row entity.
Entity properties Required Name and data type of the propertis in each entity
Result variable name Required Name of resulting list of entities variable
Result data type Optional Name of the created entity list type.
Command timeout (sec) Optional The time limit for command execution before it times out. Default is 120 seconds.
Description Optional Additional notes or comments about the action or configuration.