Table of Contents



The Tab Control lets you organize content in tabs, and each tab can host a single Subscreen.

You can drag and drop a Tab Control onto a page from the UI Elements toolbox folder.


To add Tabs, click Edit Tabs in the Property pane.
Using the Tabs editor, you can manage the tab items of your Tab Control by setting the header texts and contents.

To set the contents of a tab, choose a Subscreen from the Contents dropdown.


Subscreen can only be used once, so if you don’t see a Subscreen in the dropdown, this means that it is already in use somewhere else in the Workbook.

Tab properties:

Name Description
Header The text displayed in the tab header
Header expression A C# expression returning the text to display as the tab header
Content A Subscreen to display as the tab content.

Tabs API

You can use the Tabs API to control different states of the tabs dynamically, such as the header texts and enabled/disabled states.

The Tabs API can be called from the Execute Expression action of the Tab Control.


Returns a reference to a Tab which has the following API.

Method name Description Example
SetHeader(text: string) Sets the header of a tab item. TabItem("MyTabName").SetHeader("Customers")
SetHeaderSuffix(text: string, whitespaceBetween: boolean = true) Adds a suffix to the original tab item header. The optional whitespaceBetween enables you to determine whether you want whitespace between the base header text and the suffix (the default is true) TabItem("MyTabName").SetHeaderSuffix("World")
ResetHeader() Resets the header text to its original value TabItem("MyTabName").ResetHeader()
Disable(disable: boolean = true) Disables a tab item TabItem("MyTabName").Disable()
Enable(enable: boolean = true) Enables a tab item TabItem("MyTabName").Enable()
Activate() Activates (selects) a tab. TabItem("MyTabName").Activate()

Example: Change Tab when a button is clicked

The example below shows how to activate a tab when a Button is clicked.



See Also
