By using Instructions you can run tasks or extend the standard behavior of Actions. You can also add multiple instructions to Actions. Remember to terminate every instruction by a semicolon.
See Also
- AddHeader(...)
- ConfigureInvocation(...)
- ConfigureMessage(...)
- Contains(...)
- CssClass(...)
- EnableIf(...)
- ExecuteIf(...)
- Filter(...)
- GetActivePage(...)
- HasFilterChanged(...)
- Http(...)
- IsFilterSet(...)
- IsHostPageActive(...)
- LoadMinMaxValues(...)
- LoadOptions(...)
- OpenBrowserWindow(...)
- OpenSpreadsheetEditor(...)
- Popup(...)
- Reload(...)
- ResetCaption(...)
- Set(...)
- SetAppTitle(...)
- SetCaption(...)
- SetCaptionSuffix(...)
- SetDataModified(...)
- SetEventData(...)
- SetFieldValue(...)
- SetIf(...)
- SetParamValue(...)
- SetReadOnly(...)
- SetSrc(...)
- SetSrcIf(...)
- SetText(...)
- SetTextIf(...)
- ShowToastNotyfication(...)
- Validate(...)
- @Var[Variable_name]