Table of Contents



This is the Profit and Loss overview page for the Forecast process. It acts as a summary for the forecasting done so far as well as a navigation page to the various input modules used for detailing the forecast. The summary is, with exception of the Comment column, read only.

  1. The forecast summary report
    A Profit and Loss summary report that displays the forecast done so far. It contains a set of profit and loss report lines (rows) that either sums a range of accounts or act as a calculation of other report lines. The profit and loss setup will vary from solution to solution.
  2. Trend
    The Trend button takes you in to the Trend pop up page in which it is possible to trend the development of various report lines over time. It will vary from solution to solution which report lines are enabled for trending.
  3. Year filter
    The Year filter drop down selection enables you to select which (time) part of the forecast that you would like to see. Selecting this year or next year, will drill to the month level for the selected year.
  4. Workflow
    The workflow enables you to set the state of the forecast. The state set will be propagated to the input modules associated with the solution for the department currently selected. Setting the state to Finished will by default disable any further input to the input modules (depends on user's access level).
  5. Go to input module
    Launch drop down selector for launching specific input modules. When selecting an input module from the drop down, the input module will launch and replace the Summary.


Column Descriptions

  • Report
    By clicking the Report column (one of the report lines) or the link icon to its left, the input module associated with that report line will launch and replace the summary page. This would be the normal procedure when you want to view input details or perform detailed input to that report line. The input module can also be launched in a new window by right-clicking the link symbol and selecting the "Open in new window" option

  • Actuals L12M
    The actual total from the last 12 calendar months before the start of the forecast period.

  • Act.YTD
    “Actuals Year-to-date” is the actuals, leading up to the start of the forecast period.

  • For.YTG
    Forecast from the start of the forecast period to the end of this year.

  • This year (label vary with year, 2020 in the example)
    Forecast for this year, that is Act.YTD + For.YTG

  • Next year (label vary with year, 2020 in the example)
    Forecast for next year, that is the sum of the forecast input for next year.

  • Long term forecast (labels vary, columns 2022-2026 in the example)
    Long term forecast, that are the year totals of forecast input for years beyond next year. It will vary from solution to solution whether long term forecasting is enabled and thus visible.

  • Comment
    Input column for commenting a specific report line. To save the comments, click the "Save" button.

How to`s

Create new task

Input Modules
How to forecast sales
How to forecast personnel
How to forecast on accounts