Table of Contents

Process tasks


Process tasks are recurring tasks that are based on specific events (example: month end closing).
Those tasks are assigned to roles and distributed as tasks to every user of the role.

Column Descriptions

  • Task Name The name of the task.

  • Assigned to The role that will receive this task based on a recurring event.

  • Recurring event The name of the recurring recurring event.

  • Days before/after event

    • Assign: the task will be assigned to role users N days before (N is negative) or after (N is positive) the recurring event.
    • Deadline: the task will have a due date N days before (N is negative) or after (N is positive) the recurring event.

Note: the deadline cannot be set before the assign date, which would result in tasks being overdue as they are distributed.

  • Priority Low, medium or high.

  • Description The text description from the recurring task.

  • Go to task Link to the workbook or external site where the task can be performed.

  • Assigned by The user who created the task.

  • Next assign Estimated assign date, based on the process and recurring events.

  • Assign log

    • A log showing to which users the task was assigned, and if they were sent an assign or overdue email.
    • A log of any emails that failed, typically if the user email is not properly configured (check Access control settings) or misconfigured SMTP server settings.