Table of Contents


Workbooks are the end-user interfaces of InVision. A Workbook consists of one or multiple pages, and each page contains one or more components, for example, Worksheets, Reports, Filters, Buttons, Labels, etc.

A Workbook also has left, top, and right sections which can be used for hosting components that interact with components across many pages, for example, a Save-button or global filters.

from version 5.0 you can configure a Workbook to be the landing page of InVision instead of the default system home page. This enables you to create a fully customized and actionable landing page for users instead of just a Workbook launcher portal.


Workbook Properties

App Leave Behaviour

Specify whether the user is prompted to save unsaved changes when closing the browser tab. By default, the user will be prompted if there are unsaved changes.

Request User Confirmation

Page Title Casing

Specifies whether to transform all page titles to upper case or use the casing specified in the title.

Upper case

Title Expression

Specify the title dinamically.

Interaction Tracing

Specifies whether interaction tracing (for example variable assignment) is written to the browser console.

See Also
