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Report setup


Report setup is used to define new reports by defining report lines that aggregates a set of accounts and subtotals with styling such as underline and bold text.

The reports set up here will be selectable under Finance Reports.

The report with ID "INPUT" is (by default) for grouping accounts for input in distributed input. For all practical purposes this report will be a variant of a profit and loss report. The starting point for defining the INPUT report should be your Profit & Loss report. From here you may want to modify to adjust resolution for account grouping to be better suited for input by e.g. increasing number of report lines for income and expenses.


  • Reports is used to create a new report or change display name on existing report
  • Options is used to enable additional dimensions as columns and/or filters for some of the finance reports.

Applies to: img Planner 5.2 or later.

  • Report lines is used to create and edit report lines attached to a report and some of their properties such as styles, formulae and properties related to Profitbase Financial Reporting Matrix.
  • Acc. mapping is used to map accounts to the report lines.
  • Translations is used to manage report line translations.
  • Additional dim. mapping is used to enable additional dimensions (to account) to define the relationship between transactions and report lines.

Applies to: img Planner 4.x, 5.0 or 5.1

  • Setup Report is used to create, edit and delete report lines including styling
  • View Report Data is used to inspect and verify report definition
  • Account is used to inspect accounts to help mapping. Managing account should be done in "Dimensions and Currency Exchange Rates" workbook.
  • Finance Reports is used to view reports appearance after making changes to report setup.

Applies to: img Planner 4.x, 5.0 and 5.1

Applies to: img Planner 5.2 or later.

  • Dimensions should be used manage the Account dimension.